Lokadrusti Activities
- Distribution of cotton mask & Sanitary kit.
- Awareness building on hand washing and social distancing
- Provision of ration (Rice, Dal, Oil, Spices, Puha, onion & Salt ), soap and sanitizer for 2817 migrant households
- Distribution of 5000 story books among children to promote book reading habit and encourage children to stay at home
- Promoting of nutri garden in migrant households
- Thermal Scanner to the ICDS centre and Staffs.
Linking of 15 most deprived and volunerable households with donor for financial support of Rs.5000 to each household
- Area Covered: 10 blocks of Nuapada, Balangir & Kalahandi district in Odisha
- Total Population Served: 14085
- Number of Days during which assistance is given (In case of relief) 90 days.
- Total Expenditure: Rs.37,11,500.00
5. Sources of Fund :-
- Own Contribution.
- Membership Contribution.
- Grants
6. Future Plan:
- Promotion of nutri-garden as a household nutritional supplements for people
- Providing relief materials to needy people.
- Rehabilitation of migrant workers through promoting of farm and off farm activities.
The relief programmes for COVID-19 pandemic and distress migrants are supported by:-
- Vikram Lal – ₹.14,72,500.00
- Paschim Odisha Paribar Mumbai – ₹. 47,000.00
- OXFAM India ₹. 75000.00
- UNDP/IPE Global- ₹. 1,35,000.00
- Trickle-Up America- ₹. 2,26,000.00
- American India Foundation: ₹. 17,56,000.00 (in kind)
Total ₹ 37,11,500.00
Abani Mohan Panigrahi, Mob.No. 9437071812, Email ID – lokadrustikhariar1@rediffmail.com